This site is the culmination of like 3 previous sites, all of which were attempts to gather together my random projects and stuff. But all not working as I intended. Either being quite difficult to update (Google Pages), or simply too much site for my needs (first github site). I needed something that was easier to update on my end, while still looking nice visually. This site is built with the “Minimal Mistakes” jekyll theme. As it is visually simple and looks nice, plus is much smaller and simpler compared to my last site (which is around a few hundred MB, and takes about 10min to build everytime I update it).

With this site being simpler, I can finally consolodate all of my different projects into one place. As well as making it easier to set up the blog portion for my various ramblings and such. As my last site had a blog but its quite a pain to actually use it.