• Initial: March 13, 2023
  • Updated: March 26, 2023


This page is just a running list of all the projects I’ve worked in involving Emulation-Station-DE. It is a unofficial fork of Emulation-Station, bringing many changes and modernization updates to it, which hasn’t really seen much development as of late. Plus, the original ES is quite tied in with RetroPie, so it can’t go too crazy with features because it still has to run on a low powered computer like the Raspberry Pi.

Because of these updates (and future planned ones), the original EmulationStation themes would no longer work. Simply because keeping the legacy theme code in would have been too much to handle. So, the decision was made to drop the legacy theme engine. This would mean the 100s of themes out there would only work with the original ES.


Here is a link to a guide I wrote on converting themes from the original ES format, to the new ES-DE format. This guide is simply taking those original themes and making sure they work with ES-DE going forward, no added features or nothing. Its a basic guide, and not fully comprehensive, but it’ll get you like 90% of the way there.

Here is a guide on some good ideas to keep in mind when creating themes. Mostly things I learned from making themes of my own.

Converted Themes

And here are some converted themes to give you an idea of the ES -> ES-DE conversion process: