• Rules (might be a bit out of date) here
  • Assets also available (might be needed for Tabletop Simulator) here
  • I also made this game as a mod for Tabletop Simulator, available here


The combination of UNO and Monopoly absolutely no one has been waiting for and nobody asked for.

An interesting mix of the 2 games where you play UNO to determine your moves in Monopoly.

Make your way around the board using the UNO cards, also take the oppourtunity to completely screw over your friends.

When the reverse card is played, the whole game is flipped on its head. Every action you perform is now backwards! Including:

  • Movement around the board is reversed!
  • Property owners now pay you rent when you land on their properties!
  • Community Chest and Chance cards are now opposite! You might have to pay $10 for winning a Beauty Contest. Or every member must pay you for becoming Chairman of the Board!
  • Free someone, or send someone of your choosing to Jail if you land on the ‘Go to Jail’ space!
  • Pay the Bank $200 for passing GO backwards!

All of this and more is only possible in this horrific combination of two games.