Click the button above to view the project on Github. Below is some info on the bot.


Discord Bot that works with the Databruce project

This repo is the code behind the Discord bot, the code is hosted on Heroku.

See this repo for the Databruce project, which is an SQLite database + associated Python scripts that handle building/updating the database.

While the bot is largely my own code (plus bits from various online forums/posts/stack overflow pages/documentation/etc.) The inspiration for the bots design is owed to the Not Fade Away discord server (and the bots creator, Deadandy), who has a similar bot which provided much of the concept for what I wanted my bot to look like visually. As the first iteration was simply just normal discord text messages with setlists contained in a code block.

Its not a 1:1 exact copy of their embed, but enough to where I feel I should probably mention it.